음악(Classic ,기타)
가을밤 : Autumn Night ( Children`s Song ) - 대전시립합창단
Big Roots
2024. 10. 19. 23:27
가을밤 : Autumn Night ( Children`s Song )
대전시립합창단 / 이태선 시 / 박태준 곡
가을밤 (Autumn Night)
Lyrics translated into English (가사를 외국인들이 이해할 수 있도록 영어로 옮겼음)
Autumn night, lonely night, bugs chirping sad /
The hill trails dusky behind my thatch house /
When tears well up missing mom's sweet arms /
I just count the stars sitting out on the porch
Autumn night, quiet night, sleepless night /
Wild geese in the sky wailing high and low /
When tears well up missing mom's sweet arms /
I just count the stars sitting out on the porch
백양사 (Baekyangsa Temple)