음악(가요& Pop)

Merry Christmas,Everyone

Big Roots 2018. 12. 16. 23:49

Merry Christmas,Everyone

노래-Shakin` Stevens 가사-Bob Heatlie 프로듀서-Dave Edmunds 발표-1985년

Merry Christmas Everyone is a festive song by Welsh singer-songwriter Shakin' Stevens. Written by Bob Heatlie 

and produced by Dave Edmunds, it was the fourth number one single from Shakin' Stevens on the UK Singles Chart.[1]

It was released on 25 November 1985[2] and was the Christmas number one for that year.[3] Ever since it has been

included on many top-selling Christmas collections and received frequent airplay every Christmas. (From Wikipedia)


Snow is falling, all around me

Chidren playing, having fun

It`s the season, loving and understanding

Merry Christmas,everyone


Time for partys and celebrations

People dancing, all night long

Time for presents and exchanging kiss`s

Time for singing Christmas songs


We`re gonna have a party tonight

I`m gonna find that girl

Underneath the mistletoe, we`ll kiss by candle light


Room is swaying, records playing

All the old songs, we love to hear

All I wish that everyday is Christmas

What a nice way to spend the year


We`re gonna have a party tonight

I`m gonna find that girl

Underneath the mistletoe, we`ll kiss by candle light


Snow is falling , all around me

Children playing, having fun

It`s the season, loving and understanding

Merry Christmas,everyone

"     "   " 

첨부파일 (RubyWoo) YouTube-Merry Christmas,Everyone(etd.).mp3

Kissing under the Mistletoe 관용구 이야기

겨울철에 Europe(유롭)이나 미국의 남부 오크라호마주 인근을 여행하면 기생살이하는 Mistletoe

(겨우살이)를 쉽게 발견하며, 크리스마스 절기가 되면 Mistletoe를 따다가 현관문에 크리스마스 

장식을 하기도 한다.크리스마스절기에 장식된 mistletoe 아래에 있는 여자에게 사랑의 고백(kiss)을

하여도 좋다는 관습이 전하여 내려오며 kissing under the mistletoe라는 관용구도 있다..

Merry Christmas,Everyone 노래에 위의 내용이 포함된  노랫말이 있어 관용구의 유래와 함께 올림.

(관용구의 유래)

Most say "kissing under the mistletoe" is an English custom, there is a story that dates back to

Norse mythology. It is about an overprotective mother.
The Norse god Balder was the best loved of all the gods. His mother was Frigga, goddess of love and beauty.

She loved her son so much that she wanted to make sure no harm would come to him. So she went through the world,

securing promises from everything that sprang from the four elements--fire, water, air, and earth--that they would not

harm her beloved Balder.
Leave it to Loki, a sly, evil spirit, to find the loophole. The loophole was mistletoe. He made an arrow from its wood.

To make the prank even nastier, he took the arrow to Hoder, Balder's brother, who was blind. Guiding Holder's hand,

Loki directed the arrow at Balder's heart, and he fell dead. Frigga's tears became the mistletoe's white berries.

In the version of the story with a happy ending, Balder is restored to life, and Frigga is so grateful that she reverses

the reputation of the offending plant--making it a symbol of love and promising to bestow a kiss upon anyone who

passes under it.


북유럽 신화에서 장난꾸러기 신 Loki가 평화의 신 Baldur를 Mistletoe로 만든 화살로 죽이자 다른 신들이 그를

살려달라고 애원을 해서 다시 살려 주었다고 한다.
이에 Baldur의 어머니인 Frigga가 문에다 mistletoe를 매달고 감사의 표시로 그 밑을 지나는 모든 이에게 포옹과 함께 키스를
하겠다고 한데서 용서와 사랑의 표시로 사용되었다고 한다.

그래서 서양에선 두 사람이 mistletoe 아래에 있게 되면 키스를 해도 좋다는 말(kissin' underneath the mistletoe)이 생겨 났으며,중세 시대에는 악귀를 쫒는 의미로 Mistletoe를 문이나 천장에 매달았고, 가지 몇 개를 베게 밑에 넣고 자면 악몽을 꾸지 않는다고 해서 베개 밑에 mistletoe를 넣고 자기도 했다고 한다.

Christmas Classics - London Symphony Orchestra