
코로나 바이러스 백신 개발 희소식(good news)

Big Roots 2020. 7. 29. 20:39

코로나 바이러스 백신 개발 희소식(good news)

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Moon Keun Lee

7월 27일 오후 11:57

Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine // 3만명이 마지막 단계인 3상(phase 3 trial) 참여.

Moderna회사는 처음으로 후보백신(mRNA)이 3상 실험에 들어가며 미정부가 책정한 백신개발비 955백만불

중에서 472백만불을 수령하였다고 일요일(7/26) 발표함.

영국의 후보백신(AZD1222)과 Pfizer의 후보백신(BNT162)는 8~9월에 3상 실험에 들어갈 것으로 예상함.


Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine enters final stage of testing with Phase 3 trial - Boston Business Journal ...The first group of subjects in Moderna's 30,000-pers

By Allison DeAngelis  – Life Sciences Reporter, Boston Business Journal

Jul 27, 2020, 9:35am EDT Updated Jul 27, 2020, 2:38pm EDT

Moderna Inc. officially launched the final stage of testing on its Covid-19 vaccine Monday with close to a half billion dollars in new funding in its pocket.

The first group of participants in Moderna's (Nasdaq: MRNA) 30,000-person trial received their first injections of the Cambridge biotech's vaccine candidate this week.

Moderna declined to say how many subjects received the drug Monday, nor how many people have been enrolled in the trial thus far. The company told the Business Journal that study conductors have identified "tens of thousands" of potential participants during pre-screening and expect to enroll subjects into September. The trial is centered on people "most at-risk" for the infectious disease, the company said.

Experts estimate that Moderna will likely release initial data on how the vaccine performed this fall.

As of 2:30 p.m., its stock was up around 9%, giving the company — which has never had a drug approved yet — a market cap of nearly $30 billion.

On Sunday, the company announced that the U.S. government Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) had given it another $472 million to use on its trial. In all, BARDA has allocated $955 million to Moderna's vaccine candidate. 

The biotech's stock jumped when markets opened Monday, making up for the $1 billion in market cap Moderna lost Friday after the U.S. Patent Office ruled against it in a dispute with Philadelphia's Arbutus Biopharma.

The Phase 3 trial will test how well Moderna's drug can prevent cases of Covid-19. The drug introduces a portion of the virus' genetic material, known as messenger RNA, into a person's body in the hopes that their immune system will begin making antibodies to fight the disease. 

The subjects will receive two doses of the drug over the coming months. Moderna is running the test at 87 locations in the U.S., including Brigham and Women's Hospital, according to the NIH database clinicaltrials.gov.


Subjects in the first in-human test of the drug produced four times as many virus-fighting antibodies as people who had recovered from the virus. But it has yet to be determined what level of these antibodies a person needs to be protected from Covid-19. 

Moderna's is the first of multiple vaccine candidates to reach the last stage of testing. A Phase 3 trial of the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca’s (NYSE: AZN) vaccine candidate, AZD1222, is expected to begin in August, while Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and BioNTech's candidate, BNT162, is slated for a September start. 

Moderna has brought in Germany software group SAP to help distribute the vaccine, if successful, SAP's CEO disclosed Monday. Manufacturing and distributing the large quantities of drugs needed to fight Covid-19 has been identified by experts as one of the biggest choke-points in the drug industry's response.


나의 의학지식 부족으로, 대신하여 아래 뱅모 박성현님의 글을 올림니다.


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차독스 완은 침판지 독감 바이러스를 유전자 조작해서 만들지만..

모데나는, 우리 몸의 RNA에게 '독성물질 합성해라! 그 독성물질은 바로 S 단백질이다.

레시피는 이러저러하다'라는 유전정보를 담은 '독성물질 합성 명령서' 역할을 하는, 화학합성물질이다.

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유전정보 명령서'이다. 이같은 방식은 이번에 처음으로 사용되는 방식이다.

인간...경이로운 동물이다. 동시에 혐오스럽고 끔직한 동물이다.

이솝은 틀렸다. 세상에서 가장 훌륭한 것과 가장 추악한 것이 모두 '혓바닥'이라고 말했던 것은 틀렸다.

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