
러시아 최초 Corona Virus 백신(Vaccine)개발 성공

Big Roots 2020. 8. 12. 00:27

러시아 최초 Corona Virus 백신(Vaccine)개발 성공

Moon Keun Lee



러시아에서 첫 코로나바이러스 백신이 개발되어 등록되었고,

푸틴 대통령 딸이 접종을 하였다고 보도합니다..


Putin says Russia has registered first coronavirus vaccine

and daughter has taken it . 

by Mike Brest, Breaking News Reporter |  | August 11, 2020 07:34 AM


Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed his country has registered a coronavirus vaccine and noted that

one of his daughters has already been inoculated.

Putin announced the "world's first" registered vaccine, which was developed by the Moscow-based Gamaleya Institute, on Tuesday in a live teleconference with his Cabinet ministers. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said it could start being distributed to medics by the end of the month.

The vaccine was named "Sputnik-V," which is a reference to the 1957 launch of the world's first satellite by the Soviet Union.

"A vaccine against coronavirus has been registered for the first time in the world this morning," Putin said.

"I know that it works quite effectively. It forms a stable immunity."

"So we're the first to have registered. I hope our foreign colleagues' work will move as well, and a lot of products will appear on an international market that could be used," he added.

The head of the Russia Direct Investment Fund spoke about the doses the country is trying to produce.

"We’ve seen considerable interest in the Russian vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute abroad. Moreover, we have received preliminary applications for over one billion doses of the vaccine from 20 countries," Direct Investment Fund chief Kirill Dmitriev said, according to CNN. "Along with our foreign partners, we are already prepared to manufacture over 500 million doses of vaccine per year in five countries, and the plan is to ramp-up production capacity even higher."

Dmitriev also said that countries in the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia have inquired about purchasing the vaccine.

The vaccine has yet to pass the third stage of the trials, which usually involves thousands of participants to assess a drug's effectiveness.

The Russian president also discussed his daughter, who has been inoculated with it. He said that it helped her, but not before her temperature climbed a little bit.

"I think that this way she participated in the experiment. After the first injection, her temperature was 38 [degrees Celsius], the next day 37-something, and that's it. After the second injection, the temperature also got a bit higher, but that's it, then it went back down. Now she feels well," he said.

Nearly 900,000 Russians have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, making the country home to the fourth-most confirmed cases in the world.


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