
코로나 바이러스 정치방역은 멈추어야한다.

Big Roots 2021. 5. 14. 23:33

코로나 바이러스 정치방역은 멈추어야한다.

정부는 조속히 안전한 [[코로나 바이러스 백신]] 확보하여 국민의 생명과 생활의 안정에 힘쓰고,

국정 파탄과 부정선거에 항의하는 국민저항을 차단 목적으로 하는 정치방역을 즉시 멈추어야한다. 

상대적으로 안전성이 확보된  화이자 / 모더나 mRNA백신을 조속히 추가 확보하여, 

국민에게 백신을 선택할 수 있는 기회를 주어야한다.


이하 Facebook에서...

Moon Keun Lee

정치방역은 즉시 멈추어야한다.


New York Times May 14, 2021 By David Leonhardt  

Good morning.

The C.D.C. responds to scientific evidence and says vaccinated people rarely need masks.

N.B.A. fans at a game in Salt Lake City this month.Rick Bowmer/Associated Press

A C.D.C. about-face The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is finally catching up to the science.

For months, research about Covid-19 has pointed to two encouraging patterns. First, the underlying virus that causes Covid rarely spreads outdoors. Second — and even more important — fully vaccinated people are at virtually no risk of serious disease and only a minuscule risk of spreading the virus to others.

But the C.D.C., which has long been a cautious agency, has been unwilling to highlight these facts. It has instead focused on tiny risks — risks that are smaller than those from, say, taking a car trip. The C.D.C.’s intricate list of recommended Covid behavior has baffled many Americans and frightened others, making the guidance less helpful than it might have been.

Yesterday, the agency effectively acknowledged it had fallen behind the scientific evidence: Even though that evidence has not changed in months, the C.D.C. overhauled its guidelines. It said fully vaccinated people could stop wearing masks in most settings, including crowded indoor gatherings.

The change sends a message: Vaccination means the end of the Covid crisis, for individuals and ultimately for society.

If you’re vaccinated, you can safely get together with family and friends, mask-free. You can nuzzle your grandparents or your grandchildren. You can eat in restaurants, go to the movies and attend religious services. You can travel. If you’re vaccinated, Covid joins a long list of small risks that we have long accepted without upending our lives, like riding in a car, taking a swim or exposing ourselves to the common cold. ....................

S.H. Kim

어제 오후 10:48 

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