음악(Classic ,기타)

Coming Through The Rye :밀밭에서-Roger Wagner Chorale

Big Roots 2022. 12. 9. 00:20

Coming Through The Rye


The Roger Wagner Chorale



If a body meets a body
Comin' through the rye
If a body kiss a body
Need a body cry?

Every lassie has her laddie
None, they say, have I
Yet all the lads that smile at me
When comin' through the rye

If a body meets a body
Comin' from the town
If a body meets a body
Need a body frown?

Every lassie has her laddie
None, they say, have I
Yet all the lads, they smile at me
When comin' through the rye

Comin' through the rye
Comin' through the rye
Comin' through the rye


"Comin' Thro' the Rye" is a poem written in 1782 by Robert Burns (1759–1796). The words are put to the melody of the Scottish Minstrel "Common' Frae The Town". This is a variant of the tune to which "Auld Lang Syne" is usually sung—the melodic shape is almost identical, the difference lying in the tempo and rhythm. (Wikipedia)

내가 국민(초등)학교 어린 시절에 번안곡으로 배웠던 추억속 노래 원곡을 찾아 올림니다. 1945년~1950년은 식민통치에서 해방이 되고 얼마 되지 않아 6.25동란으로 인하여 어린이 노래가 별로 없었기에 외국의 노래를  번안곡으로 배웠던 노래 중의 하나이다.

나가자 동무들아 어깨를 걸고 / 시내 건너 재를 넘어 들과 산으로

산들산들 가을바람 시원하구나 / 랄라랄라 씩씩하게 발 맞춰 가자

 Coming Through the Rye                                                         

Gin a body meet a body
Coming through the rye
Gin a body kiss a body
Need a body cry?
Every Lassie has her Laddie
Nane,they say,has she
Yet all the lads they smile on her
When coming through the rye