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※사진촬영 : 2015년 3월2일 런던 동쪽 Hornchurch Country Park에서 Martin Le-May 촬영 (아래 기사 참조)
3 March 2015 Last updated at 13:33 (BBC News)
Weasel photographed riding on a woodpecker's back

Martin Le-May caught the moment when the woodpecker took flight with a weasel on its back.
Amateur photographer Martin Le-May, from Essex, has recorded the extraordinary image of
a weasel riding on the back of a green woodpecker as it flies through the air.
The photograph was taken at Hornchurch Country Park in east London on Monday afternoon.
Speaking to BBC News, Mr Le-May said he had managed to capture the moment while he was out
walking with his wife Ann.
He said: "I heard a distressed squawking noise and feared the worst.
"I soon realised it was a woodpecker with some kind of small mammal on its back.
"I think we may have distracted the weasel as when the woodpecker landed it managed to escape
and the weasel ran into the grass."
Mr Le-May said he was astounded by the reaction to the picture on social media.
The wildlife shot has been retweeted several thousand times.
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