음악(가요& Pop)

Pearly Shells: 진주조개-Hawaii Kids Calabash Song & Mickey`s Fun Song

Big Roots 2016. 7. 8. 21:40

Pearly Shells

Hawaii Kids Calabash Song & Mickey`s Fun Song

Waikiki Beach,Ohau,Hawaii


Pearly shells from the ocean / Shining in the sun / Covering the shore
When I see them / My heart tells me that I love you / More than all the little pearly shells

 For every grain of sand upon the beach / I've got a kiss for you / And I've got more left over
For each star that twinkles in the blue /
Pearly shells from the ocean /Shining in the sun
Covering the shore /When I see them /My heart tells me that I love you /
More than all the little pearly shells


첨부파일 Hawaii Kids Calabash Song-Pearly Shells.mp3


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