음악(Classic ,기타)

The Whistler and His Dog 휘파람부는 사람과 개- Arthur Pryor

Big Roots 2019. 1. 21. 20:51

The Whistler and His Dog

휘파람 부는 사람과 개

Arthur Pryor


(MP3): 휴대전화에서는 지원되지 않습니다. 위의 동영상을 이용하시기 바람니다.

Arthur Willard Pryor (September 22, 1869 – June 18, 1942) was a trombone virtuoso, 

bandleader, and soloist with the Sousa Band. He was a prolific composer of band music,

his best-known composition being "The Whistler and His Dog".[1] 

In later life, he became a Democratic Party politician from New Jersey, who served on the 

Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders during the 1930s.

밴드음악 작곡가, 밴드리더, 트롬본 연주자로  Sousa Band의 soloist로 활약하였고,  

"The Whistler and His Dog"가장 널리 알려진 그의 대표 작곡이다.  =Wikipedia=

Central Park in New York City - Richard Macneil 그림