음악(가요& Pop)

Orange Blossom Special : 오렌지꽃 특별열차 -Ervin & Gordon Rouse

Big Roots 2019. 3. 18. 20:53

Orange Blossom Special

오렌지꽃 특별열차

Ervin & Gordon Rouse(recorded in 1939)


Enjoy the Music : Orange Blossom Special .

화사한 봄을 맞이하여, 귀하의 하루 하루가 즐겁운 생활이 되시기를 희망합니다.

Johnny Cash-Orange Blossom Special


Orange Blossom Special
New York 부터  ~ Maiami ,Florida 까지 기차가 연결된 이후, 1938년에 쓰여지고 1939년 녹음됨..
Lyrics (Songwriters: Ervin Thomas Rouse )

Look a-yonder comin'
Comin' down that railroad track
Hey, look a-yonder comin'
Comin' down that railroad track
It's the Orange Blossom Special
Bringin' my baby back

Well, I'm going down to Florida
And get some sand in my shoes
Or maybe Californy
And get some sand in my shoes
I'll ride that Orange Blossom Special
And lose these New York blues
"Say man, when you going back to Florida?"
"When am I goin' back to Florida? I don't know, don't reckon I ever will."
"Ain't you worried about getting your nourishment in New York?"
"Well, I don't care if I do-die-do-die-do-die-do-die."
Hey talk about a-ramblin'
She's the fastest train on the line
Talk about a-travellin'
She's the fastest train on the line
It's that Orange Blossom Special
Rollin' down the seaboard line

James Last- Orange Blossom Special in Maiami

James Last- Orange Blossom Special