음악(Classic ,기타)

Yodel Songs - Oesch`s die Dritten

Big Roots 2020. 8. 25. 23:05

Yodel Songs 

Oesch`s die Dritten



Enjoy the Yodel Songs.

요들송과 함께 즐거운 하루 되시기를 희망합니다.







Oesch’s die Dritten is a Yodel Volksmusik family group from the Bernese OberlandSwitzerland.

It consists of its lead vocalist and yodeler Melanie Oesch (born 14 December 1987), her mother

Annemarie (born 8 February 1963), her father Hansueli (born 14 July 1958), her two brothers Mike

(born 14 January 1989) and Kevin (born 23 October 1990), and Urs Meier (born 14 November 1980).

(Moony 생각)

세상에 수천 수만의 많은 직업이 존재하나,

Oesch가족 같이  좋아하는  Yodel Song을 가족과 함께 노래하며 삶을 영위하는 것도 행복하게 느껴진다.