
[중국 바이러스 연구소 & 백신] 수입.건설은 있을 수 없는 일

Big Roots 2020. 9. 19. 21:20

[중국 바이러스 연구소 & 백신] 수입.건설은 있을 수 없는 일


(중국제 바이러스 연구소) 건설은 한.미 동맹의 파괴 행위 



((중공산 불량 백신)) 수입은 있을 수 없는 일))




[[ 2020.9.19. 미국 백아관 트윗 (email로 수신 Moon K.Lee) ]]



US government account

As part of Operation Warp Speed, all of the most promising vaccine candidates are being manufactured in advance. When a vaccine is approved, it will be distributed within 24 hours.

OWS의 일환으로 후보 백신은 미리 제조되고, FDA 승인이 나면 24시간 이내 보급될 것.


[[2020.9.11.자 백아관에서 전하는 소식중 일부를 아래에 발췌 소개 ]]

( How we're developing a COVID-19 vaccine at 'Warp Speed': Alex Azar)

We are encouraged by the progress so far, and hope to celebrate the successful delivery of a safe and effective vaccine in the months to come.

Alex M. Azar II and Moncef Slaoui / Opinion contributors


Apolitical experts will assess vaccine

OWS is supporting the selected companies in building or adapting manufacturing facilities needed for the vaccines, while also supporting manufacturing of ancillary products such as needles, syringes, stoppers and vials. The messenger RNA vaccines are already being manufactured at scale, while manufacturing sites for other candidates are in the process of being refurbished and will soon begin manufacturing. 

Thanks to OWS, the entire process for delivering a safe and effective vaccine  — to be assessed by FDA’s apolitical scientific experts just as any other vaccine would be — is underway and on track. We are immensely encouraged by the progress so far, and hope to celebrate the successful delivery of a safe and effective vaccine in large quantities in the months to come.
