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가장 오래된 나무중의 하나인 Bristlecone Pine 나이가 5천년

Big Roots 2021. 6. 4. 00:20

가장 오래된 나무중의 하나인 Bristlecone Pine 나이가 5천년



Moon Keun Lee


수령이 4852년으로 추정되는 미국 Inyo National Forest의 bristlecone Pine..


Inyo National Forest is a United States National Forest covering parts of the eastern Sierra Nevada of California and the White Mountains of California and Nevada. The forest hosts several superlatives, including Mount Whitney, the highest point in the contiguous United States; Boundary Peak, highest point in Nevada; and the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest that protects the oldest trees in the world. The forest, encompassing much of Owens Valley, was established by Theodore Roosevelt as a way of sectioning off land to accommodate the Los Angeles Aqueduct project in 1907, making the Inyo National Forest one of the least wooded forests in the United States' system. [Wikipedia]

※ Inyo National Forest는 California 동부 395번 도로 옆에 있는 Mammoth Lakes 우측에 위치함.


5월 26일 오전 6:00 

One of the oldest known bristlecone pine estimated to be 4852 years old, is found in Inyo National Forest, Madera Co, California.  Randall Alley (2020)


세계에서 가장 키가 큰 나무

Moon Keun Lee

높이 : 83m 둘레 : 11m 나이 : 2300년~2700년으로 추정되는 Sequoia나무

장소 : 미국 캐리포니아 Sequoia National Park ,California



6월 4일 오전 10:00 


Location : Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, California, USA.

The General Sherman Tree is the world's largest tree, measured by volume. It stands 275 feet (83 m) tall, and is over 36 feet (11 m) in diameter at the base. Sequoia trunks remain wide high up. Sixty feet above the base, the Sherman Tree is 17.5 feet (5.3 m) in diameter.

It is estimated to be around 2,300 to 2,700 years old.


미국 제2의 도시 Chicago가 팬데믹 이전으로 회복중

2021.6.3. Chicago Lori시장이 6월11일 부터 전면적으로 코로나 바이러스 통제를 푼다고 공표하였음.  

Good morning, Chicago. Yesterday, Illinois public health officials reported 674 new cases of COVID-19 and 24 additional deaths. The downward trend of vaccinations also continued, with 36,372 doses of the vaccine administered Wednesday and a seven-day rolling average of 37,328 daily doses.

Meanwhile, yesterday Mayor Lori Lightfoot made the announcement that Chicago is going to fully reopen on the
same day as Illinois — making it the largest U.S. city scheduled to do so by the June 11 date. After more than a year of ever-changing restrictions, this will bring us the closest we’ve been to pre-pandemic life.

How do you feel about the city fully reopening? What questions do you have about it? Email me and let me know.

— Nicole Stock, audience editor

미국 바이든정부는 독립기념일 7월4일 까지 전국민 70% 백신접종 완료 목표이다.