음악(Classic ,기타)

Dreaming of Home and Mother - 여수(旅愁)의 원곡

Big Roots 2021. 9. 16. 01:17

Dreaming of Home and Mother 

여수(旅愁)의 원곡

John P. Ordway (1824~1880)



John P. Ordway

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Pond Ordway (August 1, 1824 – April 27, 1880)[1] was a doctor, composer, music entrepreneur, and politician. Born inSalem, Massachusetts, in the mid-1840s John Ordway and his father Aaron opened a music store in Boston. John was also a music publisher and composer; his songTwinkling Stars are Laughing, Love(1855) was recorded by the Hayden Quartet as late as 1902 and 1904.

Dreaming of Home and Mother(1851) was a popular sentimental song of the Civil War era, and continues

to be played; it is popular in China and Japan in translated versions



미국 남북전쟁시에 많이 불려졌던 감성적인 노래로, 일본과 중국에서 번악곡으로 유행하였던 노래.

노래도 시대적 환경적 변화에 따라 함께 변하는 것 같다.너무 감성적인 노래여서 그런지 모르겠으나,

미국의  다음 세대에게 전승되어 불려지지 않는 노래이다.

우리의 노래 (깊어가는 가을밤에) : 여수(旅愁)의 원곡이다.



Dreaming of home ,dear old home / Home of my childhood and mother

Oft when I wake `tis sweet to find / I`ve been dreaming of home and mother

Home,dear home,childhood happy home / When I played with sister and brother

`Twas the sweetest joy when we did roam / Over hill and thro` dale with mother


Dreaming of home,dear old home / Home of my childhood and mother

Oft when I wake `tis sweet to find / I`ve been dreaming of home and mother

Sleep balmy sleep ,close mine eyes / Keep me still thinking of mother

Hark~`tis her voice I seem to hear /Yes, I`m dreaming of home and mother


Angels come, soothing me to rest / I can feel their presence and none other

For they sweetly say I shall be blest / With bright visions of home and mother

Childhood has come, come again /Sleeping I see my dear mother

See her loved form beside me kneel / While I`m dreaming of home and mother


Mother dear , whisper to me now / Tell me of my my sister and my brother

Now I feel thy hand upon my brow / Yes, I`m dreaming of home and mother


번안곡 여수(旅愁)의 가사가 원곡의 가사를 의역하여 잘 표현하였기에 번역은 생략함.


여수(旅愁) : Nostalgia
