음악(Classic ,기타)

Coming Through The Rye : 밀밭에서- Roger Wagner Chorale

Big Roots 2023. 8. 7. 22:30

Coming Through The Rye

밀밭에서 ( traditional Scottish song )

Roger Wagner Choral



If a body meets a body / Comin' through the rye
If a body kiss a body / Need a body cry?

Every lassie has her laddie / None, they say, have I
Yet all the lads that smile at me / When comin' through the rye

If a body meets a body / Comin' from the town
If a body meets a body / Need a body frown?

Every lassie has her laddie / None, they say, have I
Yet all the lads, they smile at me / When comin' through the rye

Comin' through the rye / Comin' through the rye / Comin' through the rye



Gin a body meet a body / Coming through the rye
Gin a body kiss a body / Need a body cry?
Every Lassie has her Laddie / Nane,they say,has she
Yet all the lads they smile on her / When coming through the rye

만약 밀밭 사잇길로 나오는 아무개를 만나서 키스하면,

아무개는 소리치며 거절을 할 필요가 있을가?

집신도 짝이 있다는데 그여자는 아직도 짝이 없다고들 말하지만,

밀밭사이로 걸어오는 그녀를 보면 누구나 반갑게 미소를 짓지...


"Comin' Thro' the Rye" is a poem written in 1782 by Robert Burns (1759–1796). The words are put to the melody of the Scottish Minstrel "Common' Frae The Town". This is a variant of the tune to which "Auld Lang Syne" is usually sung—the melodic shape is almost identical, the difference lying in the tempo and rhythm. (Wikipedia)

내가 초등학교(1947.4~1953.3) 어린시절에  번안곡으로 배운 추억속의 노래이다.

1945년~1950년은 식민통치에서 해방이 되고 얼마 되지 않아 6.25동란이 발발 하였기에, 어린이 노래가 별로 없어서 외국노래를  번안곡으로 보급되었었다..

나가자 동무들아 어깨를 걸고 / 시내 건너 재를 넘어 들과 산으로

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