음악(Classic ,기타)

Gypsy Love - Werner Muller

Big Roots 2019. 10. 2. 18:28

Gypsy Love

Werner Muller

Gypsy- Werner Muller & His Orchestra

A1 Czardas
4:25  A2 Hungarian Dance No. 5 2:54  A3 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 4:18
A4 Zorba's Dance
2:48  A5 Gypsy Love 4:17  A6 At The Balalaika 2:28
B1 Two Guitars
3:10  B2 Hora Staccato 2:05  B3 Mischa 2:28  B4 Komm Zigany 2:57
B5 Black Eyes
3:22 B6 Golden Earrings 2:58

 Gypsy의 역사 (Merrian-Webster Dictionary )

In the early years of the 16th century there began to appear in Britain some members of a wandering

race of people who were ultimately of Hindu origin and who called themselves and their

language Romany. 인도 북부에서 기원된 유랑민이 이집트를 거쳐 16세기 초에 영국에 나타나기 시작함.

In Britain, however, it was popularly believed that they came from Egypt, so they were called Egipcyans 

or Egyptians. This was soon shortened to Gipcyan, and by 1600 the further altered form Gipsy,

Gypsey, began to appear in print. By later in the 1600s the verb gypsy, meaning “to live like a Gypsy”

began to be used.

[[ gypsy]]


: to travel or roam from place to place.

(동사)로 쓰이면 [이 곳에서 저 곳으로 유랑하다.]


: a member of a group of people who originally came from northern India and now live mostly

 in Asia, Europe, and North America.

(명사)로 쓰이면 [북부 인도가 근원인 유랑민]을 뜻하며 현재 아시아 유럽등 으로 넓게 분포함. 

Gypsy at Her Toilette - Edouard Bernard Debat

In the Gypsy Camp - Anton Kozakiewicz