
답을 하여야 대한민국의 청와대이다.

Big Roots 2020. 10. 6. 20:53

답을 하여야 대한민국의 청와대이다.



Moon Keun Lee



South Korean Activists Accuse China of Using Huawei to Hack Their Election

[[Kelly Park]]

1시간 ·

[미국 야후뉴스에 4.15부정선거가 떴습니다!!!!]

약1시간 전 미국 언론매체 Daily Beast 에서 4.15 부정선거 관련 기사를 보도하였고 // 야후뉴스에 등재되었습니다. (우라나라로 치면 네이버 뉴스) 위 언론사는 세계 최대 미성년자 인신매매범인 제프리 앱스타인에 대해 최초 보도한 이력이 있는 저력있는 언론사입니다.

너무 기쁘네요ㅠ 이제 다온것 같습니다. 자유우파는 반드시 승리할 것입니다.

※ 2020.8.25. 한미보수연합 컨퍼런스에서 다루어진 4.15 부정선거의 여러 정황을 상세히 보도하였음.

Conservative critics of South Korea’s government persist in pressing claims of widespread fraud in the country’s April elections, pointing to what they say is new evidence—in the form of alleged electronic distortions and mail-in balloting irregularities—to suggest the country’s ruling party won its majority in the National Assembly with expertise and advice from China. ~중략~

Charges of cheating in the South Korea assembly elections gained steam with the publication in May of a lengthy study, “Anomalies and Frauds in the Korea 2020 Parliamentary Election,” by a University of Michigan professor and expert in detecting election fraud, Walter Mebane. “The statistical model,” said Mebane, “offers evidence that fraudulent votes occurred in the election that may have changed some election outcomes.” 


The voting, they argue, was allegedly tainted by computer tricks engineered by the Chinese Communist Party with the connivance of Huawei, China’s premier technology company. Activists have alleged that Huawei devices were hidden inside ballot-sorting hardware, and Choi Won-mog, a law professor at Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul, even claims that the Chinese Communist Party's slogan, “Follow the Party,” was embedded as secret code in statistical data of the election results. ~중략~

Min Kyung-wook, a former assembly member who lost his bid for reelection in April, added, “This election in Korea is high-tech digital fraud. At the center of the fraud are computer services.” Now, he claimed, “authorities are tampering with the evidence.” ~중략~