음악(가요& Pop) 627

On Top of Old Smoky - Joni James

On Top of Old Smoky Joni James On Top of Old Smoky On top of old Smoky, all covered with snow 눈 덮힌 Smoky산정에서 I lost my true lover from a courting too slow 나의 애정표현이 너무늦어, 진정한 애인을 놓쳤어요. A courting's a pleasure and a frozen is a grief 애정표현은 즐거움이고,굳은 표정은 슬픔이람니다. A false-hearted lover is much worst than a thief 거짓마음을 갖는 애인은 도둑보다 훨씬 나뻐요 For a thief will rob you and take what you have 도둑은 당신을 훔치고 갖은 것도..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.02.02

San Francisco - Scott Mckenzie

San Francisco Scott Mckenzie https://youtu.be/7I0vkKy504U If you're going to San Francisco 샌프랜시스코에 가면 Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair 머리에 꽃을 꽂는 것 잊지 말아요. If you're going to San Francisco 샌프랜시스코에 가면 You're gonna meet some gentle people there 마음이 포근한 사람들을 만날거에요. For those who come to San Francisco 샌프랜시스코는 여름에오는 사람에게 Summertime will be a love in there 사랑의 안식처가 될거에요. In the streets of San ..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.01.29

Crying In The Chapel 예배의 눈물- Elvis Presley

Crying In The Chapel 예배의 눈물 Elvis Presley Music video by Elvis Presley performing Crying in the Chapel (Audio). Originally released 1960. All rights reserved by RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment Crying in the Chapel(예배의 눈물) You saw me crying in the chapel 당신은 내가 예배시간에 우는 것을 보았지요. The tears I shed were tears of joy 내가 흘린 눈물은 기쁨의 눈물이었담니다. I know the meaning of contentment 나는 내가 바..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.01.27