음악(가요& Pop) 627

Country Is : 시골이란 - Tom T. Hall

Country Is : 시골이란 Tom T. Hall https://youtu.be/tCZnBMDtQjQ Country Is : 시골이란 Country is sittin' on the back porch listen to the whippoorwills late in the day Country is mindin' your business helpin' a stranger if he comes your way Country is livin' in the city knowin' your people knowin' your kind Country is what you make it, country is all in your mind 시골은 오후 늦은 시간 뒷 뜰에 앉아 쏙독새 우는 소리 들으며 쉬는 곳 시골..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.10.09

Got My Mind Set On You: 나 너를 찍었어-George Harrison

Got My Mind Set On You 나 너를 찍었어 George Harrison https://youtu.be/_71w4UA2Oxo I got my mind set on you / I got my mind set on you / I got my mind set on you 나 너를 찍었어 But it’s gonna take money /A whole lotta spending money/ It’s gonne take plenty of money / To do it right child 그런데 너에게 잘해주려니까 돈이 많이 드네 / 너를 사랑하는데 / 어린아이 사랑하듯이 돈이 많이 필요한가봐 It’s gonna take time / A whole lot of precious time / It’s go..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.09.01

On Top of The World - Tol & Tol

On Top Of The World 세상을 다 얻은 기분 Tol & Tol https://youtu.be/k0_OFXhm_q4 Come on and dance with the night 자 이리와 오늘 밤 함께 춤추자 You look so happy and bright a revalation to me 너는 내가 보기에 아주 밝고 행복하게 보여 I guess you know what I mean 내가 무슨 말을 하는지 네가 알고있을거라 짐작해 So let me tell you alright 그러니 내가 바로 말할게 I'm in love for tonight 나 오늘 밤 사랑에 빠졌어 It's like standing on top of the world 마치 세상을 얻은 것 같은 기분이야 You took ..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.08.31

Oh, My Darling Clementine - Mitch Miller 外

Oh, My Darling Clementine Mitch Miller Chorale https://youtu.be/l2jkD7gIK8s Connie Francis & Johnny Hill https://youtu.be/arL3QzNBc6A The Sweptaways https://youtu.be/twRr3ygK3TM My Darling Clementine (1) In a cavern, in a canyon / Excavating for a mine / Welcome(dwelt) a miner, forty-niner / And his daughter, Clementine 동굴에서, 계곡에서 금광을 찾는 한 광부와 그의 딸 크레멘타인 (Refrain) Oh, my darling, Oh, my darling ..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.08.16

Frog Went A Courtin`개구리 결혼식 - The Brother Four

Frog Went a Courtin` 개구리 신랑이 (생쥐 각시 맞으려고) 결혼식장에 갔어요. The Brothers Four https://youtu.be/GRmk_nKfn9Q Frog Went a Courtin`- The Brothers Four (Spoken) This is a story about a hip frog And we're gonna pick up on it now and He's on his way out to do some shuckin' and jivin' You'll be able to tell right away that he's a big mover (Sang) Frogg went a-courtin' and he did go, un-huh Frogg went a-courtin..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.08.15

My Blue Heaven : 나의 천국 - Norah Jones

My Blue Heaven 나의 천국 Norah Jones https://youtu.be/xlKNovjD5UU When whippoorwills call and evening is night 초저녁을 지나서 쏙독새 우는 밤이 되면 I hurry to my Blue Heaven. 나는 서둘러 나의 천국으로 향하지요. Just turn to the right, a little white light, 오른쪽으로 돌아가면 작고 환한 불빛이 Will lead me to my Blue Heaven. 나를 천국으로 안내하지요. I'll see a smiling face, a fireplace, a cozy room, 미소 짓는 얼굴,벽난로 그리고 아늑한 방을 마주하지요. A little nest that nestle..

음악(가요& Pop) 2020.08.08