Somewhere out There -The Theme of "An American Tail" 이동활의 음악정원 2017/9/08 리알토 :An American Tail (1986) 테마 'Somewhere out There'에서 Somewhere out There 쥐를 주인공으로 한 만화영화 가운데 월트 디즈니사가 만든 <An American Tail "하나의 미국 이야기"> 이 영화는 생쥐 가족이 배로 대서양을 건너 미국으로 이민을 가는 과정 에서 어린 쥐 휘벨.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.09.08
September Song -Sarah Vaughan September Song Sarah Vaughan Oh, it's a long, long while from May to December / But the days grow short when you reach September When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame / One hasn't got time for the waiting game Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few September, November And these few precious days I'll spend with you / These precious.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.08.31
Que Sera Sera--Doris Day Que Sera Sera Doris Day When I was just a little girl / I asked my mother what will I be 내가 어린 소녀시절 "내가 어떤 사람이 될지" 엄마에게 물어봤지 Will I be pretty will I be rich / Here's what she said to me 내가 아름다운 귀부인이 될거라고 엄마는 말하였지 Que Sera Sera / Whatever w.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.08.28
Three Little Birds(걱정말아요)-Bob Marley Three Little Birds =걱정말아요= Bob Marley Don't worry about a thing, 걱정하지 말아요. cause every little thing gonna be all right. 모든 일은 잘 될 테니까. Singing don't worry about a thing, 걱정하지 말라고 노래 불러요. cause every little thing gonna be all right! 모든 일은 다 잘 될 테니까. Rise up this mo.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.08.15
Grandfather`s Clock-Burl Ives Grandfather's Clock Burl Ives Grandfather`s Favorites John Elsley(English Painter 1860~1952) 1. My grandfather's clock was too tall for the shelf, So it stood ninety years on the floor, It was taller by half than the old man himself, Though it weighed not a pennyweight more. It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born, And was always his treasure and pride. But it st.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.08.12
Das Kleine Haus am Meer:바닷가 작은 집-Monika Martin Das Kleine Haus am Meer 바닷가 작은 집 Monika Martin Monika Martin-Das Kleine Haus am Meer.mp3 Georgetown포구. South Carolina , USA 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.07.21
Pearly Shells :진주조개-Mickey`s Fun Song Pearly Shells:진주조개 Mickey's Fun Songs =Taken from Beach Party at Walt Disney World.= 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.07.16
La Spagnola(The Spanish Woman) La Spagnola (The Spanish Woman) Richard Abel Richard Abel--La Spagnola.mp3 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.04.30
The Windmills of Your Mind : 마음의 풍차 Sally Harmon The Windmills of Your Mind Theme from [The Thomas Crown Affair] Gypsy Girl-Hicks George Edgar Woman In Garden-Jeffrey T. Larson 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.04.29
Don`t Fence Me In (나를 가두지 마세요)-The Ray Conniff Singers Don't Fence Me In(나를 가두지 마세요) The Ray Conniff Singers Wildcat Kelley,looking mighty pale Was standing by the Sheriff`s side And when by the Sheriff said " I`m sending you to jail" Wildcat raised his head and cried 들고양이 같이 사는 Kelley가 보안관 옆에 창백한 얼굴로 서 있었네 보안관이 "너 감옥에 보내려고 해" 말하니 들.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2017.04.23