Yes Sir, I Can Boogie 그래요,나 부기 춤출 수 있어요...Baccara Yes Sir , I Can Boogie 그래요,나 부기 춤출 수 있어요 Baccara Mister 이봐요 Your eyes are full of hesitation 당신의 눈빛에 머뭇거림이 가득하군요 Sure makes me wonder 당신이 찾는것이 무엇인지 알고는 있는지 If you know what you're looking for. 의구심마저 드는군요 Baby 이봐요 I wanna keep me reputation 나는 평판을 .. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.12.08
Don`t Fence Me In:나를 가두지 마세요-The Ray Conniff Singers Don't Fence Me In : 나를 가두지 마세요 The Ray Conniff Singers Wildcat Kelley,looking mighty pale Was standing by the Sheriff`s side And when by the Sheriff said " I`m sending you to jail" Wildcat raised his head and cried 들고양이 같이 사는 Kelley가 보안관 옆에 창백한 얼굴로 서 있었네. 보안관이 "너 감옥에 보내려고 해" 말하니 들.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.12.05
Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair Lyrics : Stephen Collins Foster Sung : Mitch Miller Chorale Frederic John L. Sterevens(British Painter 1902~1990) I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair, Borne like a vapor on the summer air. I see her tripping where the bright streams play, Happy as the daisies that dance on her way. - Many were the wild notes her merry voice would pour, M.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.12.04
사랑이여-유심초 사랑이여 유심초 또 한해의 12월을 맞이하며.... 가을의 낙옆이 한잎 두잎 떨어지듯이 지나가버린 세월, 나무가지에 매달려 홀로 남은 낙옆 같이 한장 남은 달력, 아쉽고 애처롭고 소중한 12월을 맞이합니다. 삶의 추위에 지친 영혼들을 감싸주는 포근함이 우리네 마음 마음에 함박눈 내리.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.12.01
Time After Time -Placido Domingo & John Denver Time After Time Placido Domingo & John Denver He_Loves_Me ,He_Loves_Me _Not....Godward John William Time after time I tell myself that I'm So lucky to be loving you So lucky to be The one you run to see In the evening, when the day is through I only know what I know The passing years will show You've kept my love so young, so new And time after time You'll hear me say that I'm.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.11.20
You Are My Sunshine-Mitch Miller You Are My Sunshine Mitch Miller (1st verse) (2nd verse) The other night dear, as I lay sleeping You told me once, dear, you really loved me I dreamed I held you in my arms And no one else could come between. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken But now you've left me and love another So I hung my head and I cried. You have shattered all of my dreams: Refrain You are my sunshine.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.11.18
When you say nothing at all.-Alison Krauss When You Say Nothing At All 당신이 아무 말 없을 때 Alison Krauss It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart Without saying a word, you can light up the dark Try as I may, I could never explain What I hear when you don't say a thing 한마디 말도 없이 어떻게 나의 마음과 직접 이야기 할수 있는지, 어둠을 밝혀주듯 나의 마음을 알아.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.11.15
Autumn Leaves :가을낙엽- Placido Domingo Autumn Leaves Placido Domingo Lyrics in English by Johnny Mercer,, Music by Joseph Kosma The falling leaves drift by the window 나뭇잎들이 창문을 스쳐 떨어짐니다. The autumn leaves of red and gold 붉은색과 황금색으로 물든 가을의 나뭇잎들.. I see your lips, the summer kisses 여름날 입맞춤했던 당신의 입술과 The sunburned hand I used.. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.10.26
Starry,Starry Night(Vincent) -Dan Mclean Starry , Starry Night (Vincent) Dan Mclean ★Smartphone은 크릭 ▶ Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue and grey, Look out on a summer's day, With eyes that know the darkness in my soul. Shadows on the hills, Sketch the trees and the daffodils, Catch the breeze and the winter chills, In colors on the snowy linen land. Now I understand .. 음악(가요& Pop) 2015.10.24