나의 단상(斷想 )

5월의 첫날을 맞으며..

Big Roots 2019. 5. 1. 12:57

5월의 첫날을 맞으며..

희망의 달  5월 첫날.

여인의 비단치마 같이 화사한 모란꽃이 피고, 상추도 무럭 무럭 자랐다.

우리네 삶에도 화사한 꿈들이 자라서 꽃을 피우면 좋겠다.

첨부파일 Roger Wagner

Coming Through the Rye(Traditional Scottish ).mp3

Comin' Thro' The Rye

If a body meet a body
Comin' thro' the rye.
If a body kiss a body
Need a body cry?
Every lassie has her laddie
None, they say, have I,
Yet a' the lads they smile at me
When comin' thro' the rye.

If a body meet a body
Comin' from the town.
If a body kiss a body,
Need a body frown?
Every lassie has her laddie
None, they say, have I,
Yet a' the lads they smile at me
When comin' thro' the rye.

Amang the train there is a swain
I dearly love myself.
But what his name or where his name
I don't care to tell.
Every lassie has her laddie
None, they say, have I,
Yet a' the lads they smile at me
When comin' thro' the rye.